The Coulee Corridor National Scenic Byway has  indoor and outdoor activities for ALL!

Five community kiosks in the towns of Grand Coulee, Coulee City, Soap Lake, Warden and Othello in December 2019.  Twenty new  Coulee Corridor Trail Blazer signs were fabricated and installed in 2020 on SR155 north of Coulee Dam to Omak and on SRs28-282-17 between Soap Lake, Ephrata, and Moses Lake. Three signs were installed northwest of Othello on McManamon Road and four signs were put in on Road H SE in Grant County in 2023. The CCC has partnered with the City of Othello to install additional signs in 2025. A brand new trailblazer sign was installed by the City of Coulee Dam on the bridge crossing the Columbia River at Coulee Dam and is recognized as a major accomplishment in 2025!

Fourteen crop signs were fabricated in 2020 and nine of them were placed on   along State Highway 17 of the Coulee Corridor in 2021 though that number has dropped. Crop signs presently on hand are alfalfa, grass, grain corn, silage corn, and wheat. There are presently 5 signs posted by fields in crop along State Highway 17 between Moses Lake and the Grant-Adams County line in 2025 -  see if you can find them. 

Trips along the Coulee Corridor National Scenic Byway can provide memorable experiences for travelers who visit or view sights and places between Omak and Othello along SR 17, SR 155 and US 2, and follow spur and loop routes in Adams, Douglas, Franklin, Grant, Lincoln and Okanogan Counties.

The Coulee Corridor has excellent visual examples of ancient catastrophic Ice Age floods which left behind majestic and beautiful coulees throughout the region. Check out deep gouges in the basalt bedrock made by ancient post glacial floods, gigantic gravel bars, and the effects of glaciation in this part of Eastern Washington.

Grand Coulee Dam is the keystone of the Columbia Basin Irrigation Project and provides the water source for over 75 types of crops. Lots of recreational activities include boating, birding, fishing, and swimming on Lake Roosevelt, Banks Lake, Potholes Reservoir, on the Columbia National Wildlife Refuge and many other lakes along the byway. There is a Laser Light Show on the face of the Grand Coulee Dam every night from Memorial Day weekend through September.

The Colville Indian Reservation is steeped with history, the culture of the Colville Confederated Tribes, renowned artists, the Tribal Museum in Coulee Dam, and has the resting places of Chief Joseph and Chief Moses in Nespelem.

Soap Lake has unique physical and chemical properties. Soap Lake mud, its salty water, sandy beaches and the warm weather are some of the reasons  people come here.  Ever wonder why there are so few fisherman on the lake?  In the last few years, an annual Pow Wow has been reintroduced and there are years when hydroplane races are allowed.

Ephrata is the Grant County seat and home to the courthouse which finished construction in 1918.  There are many other historic buildings in town and near or in many of the adjoining towns throughout the Coulee Corridor. For example, there is St. Mary's Mission near Omak established in 1886, Hartline School, now abandoned built in 1922,  Almira State Bank and Wilson Creek's Citizen Bank, built in 1902 and 1901 respectively. The Old Hotel in Othello built in 1912, and colorful historic time period murals in Connell,  Warden, and Moses Lake are historical points of interest.

Farming and ranching are the mainstays of the agricultural economy. With the introduction of irrigation water from Grand Coulee Dam in the early 1950s, the desert of the Columbia Basin was turned into an oasis. Much of the area receives less than 9 inches of annual rainfall though with irrigation, crops that can be grown are almost limitless.  Grant County is the highest potato growing county in the nation. Besides row crop production, there are orchards, vineyards, dairies, and livestock.