Coulee Dam is located on State Highway 155.  The town has the unique distinction of being located in Grant, Douglas and Okanogan Counties.

Engineers Town or Government Camp was on the west side of the Columbia River below the base of Grand Coulee Dam. The east side of town (east of the river) is on the Colville Indian Reservation. The town grew quickly in 1934 to provide housing for the engineers and supervisors working on Grand Coulee Dam.  Many of the residences are similar in design and are currently in use.

The Federal Administration Building (705 Crest Drive, Douglas County) was used as the offices for Grand Coulee Dam engineers and project administrators though its current purpose is as the Coulee Dam City Hall. Grant Coulee Dam is prominently seen in the background.

Train tunnel (off Crest Drive, Douglas County).  This tunnel, blasted from solid granite rock, was designed to provide rail service for the transportation of materials and equipment to the Grand Coulee Dam construction site.  Almost 32 miles of rail grade were built though never used.  The clayey substrata on which a railroad trestle was built shifted upsetting the stability of the grade so much that the railway was not safe to operate and was abandoned.

Columbia School (402 Columbia, Douglas County).  This school was built in 1934 and was used for school functions until 1979.