Hartline is on U. S. Highway 2 about 10 miles east of Coulee City in Grant County.

The town was named for pioneer John Walter Hartline, on whose homestead the town was established in 1890.  Hartline was built around the Northern Pacific Railroad line.  Hartline thrived as a place for farmers to bring, store, and ship wheat and other agricultural produces by rail. 

The Hartline State Bank is located on Willard Street. It was built in 1902 and operated as a bank until 1932.  The same building had several tenants though the Hartline Post Office has occupied the building since 1952.  The building was perfectly suited because of a large safe built into it and barred windows inside.  The design of the bank building is strikingly similar to those in Wilson Creek, Ephrata, Coulee City and Almira which are all built on corner lots during the same time.